Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Porcelain veneers are one of the most versatile applications to restore your smile. They correct cracked, chipped, crooked, stained, and even gapped front teeth. As such, they are one of the most expensive options for smile restoration, which leaves many patients concerned with how to make their investment last.

The good news is, porcelain veneers closely resemble natural teeth. You don’t have to avoid certain foods or implement any special hygiene routines to maintain their beauty and function. In fact, some might say they are even superior to natural teeth because they are resistant to staining. Although veneers are extremely durable, proper hygiene  will go a long way to help them last for several years. Here are a few tips you should follow:


Like with regular teeth, chewing on hard items like pens or using your teeth as tools can potentially damage your veneers. Cracking or chipping them is rare, but it is possible. Habitually chewing in the same spot or using certain teeth to open packages consistently can also wear them out over time. Ice and hard candy should also be eaten in moderation and infrequently to avoid potential damage. This is true for natural teeth as well.


Veneers can collect plaque and tartar buildup exactly the same way natural teeth do, which is why it is so important to keep up with your dental hygiene. Brush your teeth twice per day, floss daily, and be sure to keep your bi-annual dental cleaning appointment. Only a dental hygienist can remove tartar from your teeth, which is almost guaranteed to build up over time. Keeping your cleaning appointment will prevent worse problems, such as gingivitis and cavities, from occurring.


With your veneers, you can enjoy virtually any food. Wine, coffee, blueberries, and other food and beverage items that can stain your teeth will have no effect on porcelain veneers. This cannot be said for dental bonding, which is usually used to repair chips in the teeth. Although it is cheaper, bonding will often become discolored over time and will not match the rest of the tooth. Porcelain veneers will not stain and always cover the entire front of the tooth to preventany inconsistent coloring.

To schedule your consultation for porcelain veneers with Dr. Mann cosmetic dentist in fresno, please call (559)797-4355.

Friday, October 14, 2016


While it is an accepted fact in the dental community, many people often question whether chewing gum is good for their oral health. Doubters can rest easy knowing that scientific evidence and numerous studies have shown that munching on sugarless gum is beneficial for your chompers.

Benefits of Chewing Sugar-Free GumOne major way gum helps is by increasing the production of saliva in the mouth, which:

Reduces dry mouth
Helps neutralize acids
Remineralizes enamel
Washes away food particles

When you eat or drink, your teeth are exposed to acid that is produced when the bacteria in your mouth break down the sugar and carbohydrates. This acid can erode the enamel of your teeth over time and cause tooth decay. Gum stimulates your mouth’s production of saliva, which neutralizes this acid. Saliva also helps prevent cavities by dissolving sugars that might be lodged in spaces between the teeth, therefore limiting the growth of bacteria colonies and subsequent acid. Additionally, the mechanism of chewing can help dislodge food particles and break up plaque.

 Although chewing gum is beneficial, chewing sugary gum negates those benefits by increasing the presence of sugar in your mouth. It’s important to limit your sugar consumption (even in the form of gum) because bacteria in the mouth feed off sugar and produce decay-causing acids.

ADA Approved GumSugar-free gums that have the American Dental Association® (ADA) Seal of Acceptance are sweetened with sweeteners that do not cause cavities, such as aspartame, sorbitol, or mannitol. The following sugar-free gums have the ADA Seal and have been shown to meet ADA criteria for safety and effectiveness:

Dentyne® Ice™ Sugarless Gum
Stride Sugarless Gum
Trident® Sugarless Gum
Wrigley’s 5® Sugarfree Gum
Wrigley’s Extra® Sugarfree Gum
Wrigley’s Orbit® for Kids Sugarfree Gum
Wrigley’s Orbit® Sugarfree Gum
Dentists and the ADA recommend chewing gum for 20 minutes after eating and drinking.

While sugar-free gum is beneficial, chewing gum does not replace brushing and flossing. It is important to remember to maintain proper oral hygiene by brushing at least twice per day and flossing at least once per day.

If you already have cavities or dental issues, Fresno Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Mann at Elite  Dental Mann DDS can help. To schedule a consultation, please call (559)797-4355.

Monday, August 15, 2016


Although porcelain veneers and crowns are somewhat similar dental treatments, they serve different purposes. The best choice between the two will depend on the needs and desires of the patient.

Veneers and crowns both require part of the natural tooth to be altered in order to be bonded to it. Because of this, both are considered permanent treatment options.

Typically, veneers are used for aesthetic reasons only on the front, “smiling” teeth. When a patient would like to correct the shape or color of their teeth, veneers make an excellent choice. Usually made of porcelain, veneers are formed into the thickness of a contact lens and are bonded to the natural tooth to disguise teeth that are crooked, cracked, broken, or discolored. The porcelain material looks, feels, and functions just like a natural tooth. For veneers, about 0.1 to 0.5 millimeter of the tooth’s enamel is etched away. Although this is a small amount, it will permanently alter the appearance of the tooth, and it will not look the same without the veneer attached to it.

Crowns are most often used in cases where much of the tooth structure is missing, which can be caused by tooth decay, root canal therapy, or accidental breakage. Since crowns are usually applied to posterior teeth, they are available in both natural-looking porcelain as well as less expensive materials that do not match surrounding teeth, such as gold, nickel, or chromium. Unlike veneers, crowns cover the tooth on all sides and require more of the natural tooth to be etched away. Although crowns can achieve all the aesthetic purposes that veneers can, they should only be used if absolutely necessary.

If you are considering porcelain veneers or crowns,cosmetic dentist Dr. Mann at Elite Dental Mann DDS can help determine which treatment is right for you. Please schedule a consultation today by calling (559)797-4355.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sensitive Teeth

Do you find yourself taking a sip of hot coffee or eating ice cream and clenching your teeth in pain? Ouch! Why do some people have teeth that are more sensitive than others? Having sensitive teeth can make it difficult to eat and exercise normal hygiene habits.

The wearing down of teeth and tooth enamel can cause the teeth to be sensitive to hot or cold drinks and foods. Often, this can make brushing and flossing a painful chore and cause difficulties for those who suffer from sensitive teeth.

Problematic tooth pain could be preventing a person from practicing normal healthy habits. By not giving the teeth the attention they need, they will only get worse. Getting rid of the pain associated with sensitive teeth starts with finding the source of the problem. There can be many factors that cause sensitive teeth.

Reasons Why Your Teeth May Be Sensitive
Tooth decay (cavities)
A worn filling
Exposed tooth root
Gum disease
A fractured tooth
Worn tooth enamel

Someone who has healthy teeth will have a layer of enamel that protects the crowns of their teeth. The crown is the exposed part of the tooth above the gum line.

Loss of tooth enamel can be due to:
A diet that includes:
Other sugary drinks
Acidic foods
Dry mouth
Environmental factors (friction, wear and tear, stress, etc.)
Acid reflux disease

Loss and lack of tooth enamel allows hot, cold, acidic, or sticky foods to reach the nerve cells inside the tooth and cause pain. Often, the only way to correct this is with over-the-counter products or in-office dental treatments

Desensitizing toothpaste: Contains compounds that help block transmission from the sensitive tooth to the nerve. Typically, sensitivity will be reduced after several applications.
Root canal: Treats the inside of the tooth for patients with severe or persistent sensitivity.
Dental bonding: Used to correct a flaw or chip in the tooth that causes sensitivity.
Fluoride gel: An in-office technique that involves the application of fluoride gel to strengthen tooth enamel and reduce the transmission of sensations.
Surgical gum graft: This will protect the root in cases where gum tissue has been lost.
The key to preventing tooth pain and sensitivity is good oral hygiene:
Brush and floss twice daily
Watch what you eat or drink
Have regular dental check-ups

If you have tooth pain, addressing it immediately is important for preventing other medical issues from arising.

Dr. Mann cosmetic dentist in Fresno, Ca  can help you get rid of tooth pain. Please schedule an appointment with Dr. Mann at Elite Dental Mann DDS by calling (559)797-4355.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Importance of Flossing

Every time you visit the dentist, you will inevitably be asked, “Do you brush your teeth at least twice a day?” Most of you will say, “Yes!” But, how many of you can say yes to the second question: “Do you floss everyday?”

Here are some of the reasons why dentists stress the importance of flossing and making it a part of your daily routine:

Plaque contains bacteria, which, following a meal or snack, can release acids that attack tooth enamel. Repeated attacks can cause the enamel to break down and eventually result in cavities.

Tartar buildup on front lower teeth. Plaque that is not removed daily by brushing and flossing will eventually harden into tartar. When this happens, your gums can become inflamed and may bleed. Unlike plaque, only your dentist can remove tartar. Flossing helps remove plaque between your teeth.

Brushing alone cannot clean the entire tooth especially since toothbrushes cannot reach in between your teeth. Flossing on a daily basis will help to prevent tooth decay and cavities especially in those hard to reach places. If cavities aren’t treated, they can get larger and cause more problems, such as severe toothache and infection.

Drawing of teeth with 4 stages of periodontal disease, each in a separate corner: healthy, gingivitis, periodontal pockets, and periodontitis.

As plaque and tartar continue to build up and are left untreated, it can lead to inflammation in the mouth, which is also known as gingivitis (gum disease). If left untreated, gingivitis can turn into periodontal disease. Periodontitis is inflammation around the tooth; it is a serious infection that can damage the gum and bones that are holding the teeth in the mouth and can eventually lead to tooth loss. If you’ve experienced tooth loss, then dental implants may be an option for you.

Who wants to walk around with bad breath? Flossing on a daily basis will help remove plaque and food that can cause bad breath.

Bacteria from plaque and tartar can increase inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation can then trigger the release of a large number of chemicals called, mediators, which is the same cause of inflammation indicated in heart disease.

Take care of your pearly whites and they’ll take care of you. Brush your teeth for at least two minutes twice a day, and make flossing a part of your daily oral care program.

 To schedule your consultation with  Dr. Mann (Cosmetic Dentist in Fresno) please call (559)797-4355.

Friday, February 19, 2016


For some people, the thought of going to the dentist sends their heart racing and their hands trembling with anxiety. Some are so anxious about dental procedures that they completely avoid the dentist at all costs. Dr. Mann at Elite Dental Mann DDS in Fresno is a highly skilled and experienced cosmetic dentist, and she does everything within her power to make every patient as comfortable as possible. Nonetheless, for those who become overly anxious about the thought of going to the dentist, sedation dentistry allows patients to take care of their teeth with a stress-free experience.

Sedation dentistry helps patients to be fully relaxed throughout dental procedures so that visits to the dentist are worry-free and pain-free. Medications including nitrous oxide, ketamine, Halcion, propofol, and midazolam help to calm, relax, or put you to sleep. The medication that is right for you will be determined based on your level of anxiety. Patients can receive inhaled sedation by breathing normally, oral sedation by swallowing a pill.

Sedation dentistry facilitates a painless and carefree dental visit so that patients are more comfortable with the procedure. The benefits of sedation dentistry are a huge blessing for patients who have always felt anxious about going to the dentist or who have developed anxiety because of previous dental pain, dental issues. Dental anxiety can be strong and may make it difficult for patients to want to visit the dentist, but with sedation dentistry, patients can feel more relaxed or even sleep through the entire experience. Avoiding the dentist because of anxiety can lead to dental issues such as gum disease, cavities, and infections. Without regular dental visits, these problems continue unchecked until more costly, painful, and difficult procedures are needed to correct them. Due to sedation dentistry, anxious and uncomfortable patients can keep their teeth healthy with stress-free dental visits.

To have a worry-free and stress-free dental experience, schedule your dental appointment with cosmetic dentist Dr. Mann . Call our office at (559)797-4355 or fill out our online contact form to request an appointment today.